Author: Tonya Kinlow
I am an entrepreneur, a woman in technology, a mother, a wife, a daughter, corporate executive and many other titles. These are all but titles. At my core, I am a beautiful spirit having a human experience. Spirit is the binding, impenetrable, omnipotent intelligence that holds planets together in orbit, and surely balances my life when I allow it to lead.
Balancing It All
I left corporate America in 2016 to pursue my dreams. At the time, I knew that Entrepreneurship meant owning your own business, yet had little appreciation for the magnitude of responsibility and sheer hard work that goes into that title. Now I have total appreciation for all entrepreneurs, and bow in deep respect to black women entrepreneurs. Balancing it All as Black women, we are already the backbone of our families. Wearing the additional hat of entrepreneurism makes us superwomen! The biggest battle we incur is financing; understanding it, and acquiring it. We don’t tend to have a daddy or Ivy League network to give us capital. Even friends who support us emotionally don’t put their money up and it’s nails on a chalkboard when our husbands say, “Well, maybe it’s time to go back to work!”
Yes, it’s lonely sometimes. Depression looms. The delicately balanced house of cards of family, bills and obligations are in jeopardy. The answer to what is most important is balance…mind, body & spirit.
Financial Balance Sheet
A financial balance sheet has assets, liabilities and equity and reflects your net worth or financial position. In simplest terms, you add up all your cash, inventory and property, then subtract all your loans, credit cards and debts, and the net result is your Net Value/Worth. This is a human construct. Please stop believing that the value of the business defines your human worth. This is the biggest mistake we make, and THIS fallacious thinking is the real threat to our mental health.
Spiritual Balance Sheet
When you invest in lifting your own spirit, the TRUE balance sheet of your life reflects it. You bear the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). You remember that you are complete and lacking nothing. These are your assets, the liabilities become negligible, and your net worth is the infinite potential of your spirit. The financial balance sheet is not the measure of your life. Detach your self-worth from the net worth on your balance sheet. Then you will truly prosper. Entrepreneurship is the path back to your true self. Stay courageous and faithful and persevere.
Call to Action
Continue to support and lift up one another. List your business at and share it with others in your network to empower the black dollar. Selfless service will create economic empowerment in our community. Protect your spirit and please, whatever you do, VOTE.
Love & Light, TK
Tonya Kinlow (TK) teaches spiritual healing & wellness as the path to true joy and balance. Find her latest book on Amazon, The 10 Days, A Wellness Retreat for Personal Transformation…at Home. TK’s current theme is Dream a New Dream. She holds seminars, group and personal teaching, and is writing her 4th book on Dream a New Dream: How to find joy in the midst of chaos. Follow TK on, and participate in 8-week Spiritual Dream a New Dream Healing Journey included with patronage.